Friday, August 14, 2009

Atahualpa's Revenge - Journal from Tues 7.14.09

Today was by far the low point of my time in Peru so far. I'll just say that I woke up feeling queasy, and you can imagine what I spent my day doing besides staying in bed. Was my dinner last night not cooked well or was it Puno's water? I don't know, but it was almost inevitable that something would get to me on my trip.

I did venture out of the apartment once today when I mistakenly thought I was recovering. Ivan came by in the early afternoon and took us to the university (UNA) to do some research for our papers. Universidad Nacional del Altiplano has a very open-air 1960s feel to it. Its architecture is functional and not of much aesthetic merit. The library system is also much different. There is a central library and small libraries for various departments. All the books are closed off from the students - you look up titles in the computer catalog and then ask the librarian to retrieve what you want. There's no browsing!

We each managed to find a list of books and theses on the card catalogue, and Ivan promised to retrieve them later, which was extremely nice of him. He also took me to briefly talk with a tourism professor who was helpful in directing me towards what to search for in terms of the economic and societal effects of tourism on AmantanĂ­ and in Peru.

I'm already feeling much better this evening. Maybe I was just lucky to not get very sick, or Atahualpa's revenge is just less severe than Moteczuma's in Mexico, which I've heard horror stories about from my dad. Either way, I'm glad to be putting it behind me!

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